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Sibil Chan

Finance Manager

Sibil has over ten years of experience in providing financial guidance to a variety of organizations.  She believes that the preservation of the existence and biodiversity of our forests is essential for the survival of our planet.  

More about me

In my spare time, I enjoy going on hikes through the forest, playing tennis/table tennis and learning anything and everything through books or guided tours. 

Why forests are important to me 

I believe that nature provides a shining example for how we humans should be living. There is a lot of wisdom to be learned from forests — the structure of community amongst trees, the symbiotic relationships between different species, and the circle of life.  

Why Canopy 

I believe that living sustainably is the optimal and only way that humans should be living on Earth.  Canopy is at the forefront of helping the world to live more sustainably.  

Ask me about 

Baguettes and croissants. 

What ruffles my feathers 

Willful ignorance.