ForestMapper does not include information related to First Nations and Indigenous Communities.

This tool displays data layers for key ecological elements that constitute the definition of Ancient and Endangered forests at the global scale. It does not feature socio-cultural information such as indigenous or traditional community rights, territories, land-conflicts or the human cost of forest loss or fragmentation (including loss of livelihoods, food insecurity, forced cultural assimilation, etc.) These elements exist in different forms across thousands and thousands of traditional territories.

ForestMapper does not document areas of controversy or harm stemming from violations of Indigenous and traditional rights or human rights. In addition to ecological criteria, sustainable forest sourcing should incorporate key social safeguards including, but not limited to, respecting and upholding the traditional land rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities, ensuring Free, Prior and Informed Consent is given for all development activities, ensuring the transparent and mutually agreed resolution of grievances and ensuring an absence of criminalization/retribution. There are many communities and NGO’s that work specifically to advance these important issues.

Canopy urges governments to begin science-based conservation planning in the world’s remaining ancient and endangered forests and ensure that planning incorporates the rights, values, traditional ecological knowledge and interests of traditional and Indigenous communities.